Matplotlib custom tools universe on Nov. 19, 2017 at 1:55 p.m. in Tutorial (R-M150)

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The tool api

  • Discover the new ToolManager capabilities and how does it handle tools.
  • Explore tool classes and see how easy is to create new tools to handle your specific needs

The work

We will not go to the moon (only 60 minutes), but you will do the basics so you can go on your own.

  • Remove the clutter from the plot Toolbar and customize it to fit your needs (or my needs since I'm the one teaching).
  • Create a tool to toggle legend visibility
  • Add a tool for line color changing
  • What about a tool for hiding/showing different lines?
  • Get you started with your own tools


Federico Ariza

Physicist with a masters degree from Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal.

Working as optical specialist since 2004 at Matrox Electronics Systems.

My day job consist mainly of camera characterization using python, this includes: Laboratory equipment control Data acquisition Image processing Data processing * Report generation

I spend my geektime (free-time without family) working on: Matplotlib development I am a member of matplotlib developpers tttps:// Improving pyoptools (python optics simulator ) Reading tech news Love/hating Elon Musk